Keep the faith

Photo : Filipa Moreira da Cruz

For the past 20 years I missed births, engagements, weddings, birthdays…
That’s part of the package of living away from our own country.
I don’t regret my choices.
Wandering around the world has given me so much!
And I love all the countries where I’ve lived so far.
Little did I know that the worst was yet to come.
2020 was a dreadful year for many different reasons.
Unfortunately, 2021 is already a tough one too.
I think God is challenging me.
Everything happens for a reason.
So they say…
I often miss my family and friends but now is different.
Guilt keeps chasing me.
I should be there.
My heart shrinks every day.
I try to keep the faith but sometimes it’s so hard.
Having this blog helps me moving on.
Believe it or not.
Whenever I read one of your comments I feel blessed.
Thank you!
What if…?
If only I could…
Lately, my life is a frame of suppositions.
A puzzle of missing pieces.
And time is my most feared enemy.
I’ll get there, eventually.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

27 réflexions sur “Keep the faith

  1. I will not patronise you with platitudes except to agree that these last 14 months have been a most trying time. You are strong and intrepid, as the last twenty years shows, and even the strongest of us have moments of doubt or self-recrimination. These moments do not define you anymore than the colour of your shirt. The you that you are remains and I hope that you will see her, in all her glory, again very soon! Stay well, stay blessed. Wishing you strength and hope!

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  2. Cuando somos migrantes la vida se trastoca de pies a cabeza. Dejamos la tierra que nos vio nacer por mejores perspectivas y para eso, el sacrificio personal es enorme. Dejamos familia y amigos porque no se les puede llevar en la maleta y eso afecta nuestros sentimientos. Ahora, le tenemos que agregar la pandemia y eso, ya son palabras mayores. De todas maneras, el mundo da muchas vueltas y a lo mejor, en un día muy cercano, la normalidad nos devuelva la vida que estábamos llevando. Muy sentido tu poema y me llega a lo más profundo. Un gran abrazo.
    Manuel Angel

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  3. Minha querida amiga Filipa… comecei a escrever um comentário e acabou virando um depoimento (tive que reduzir o textão) kkkkkk mas acredito que você está exatamente onde deveria estar. Jamais se culpe por isto. Nada é por acaso. Sinto falta da reunião da família também e olha que moro apenas 3 quadras da casa de meus pais. Apesar deles já estarem vacinados, sigo ainda respeitando as normas. A consciência coletiva fala mais alto em mim. A pandemia nos ensina isto à duras penas. Não deixe seu coração se amargurar. Deixe seu coração vibrar numa frequência de amor e compaixão e ele chegará à todos os corações. Sinta meu abraço fraterno e carinhoso (as palavras tem o poder de quebrar as barreiras do tempo e espaço). Que sua semana seja abençoada e produtiva! Beijo no coração

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