Happy birthday… to me!

46 years of ups and downs
The Earth keeps turning around
Friends and family are my rock
And they know what I’m made of
I’m grateful for all I have
Moving forward step by step
Joyful days, blissful nights
I keep chasing my own lights
Every detail is a poem
In a perfect tandem
Sometimes things don’t work out
That’s what life is all about
Meanwhile, l shall have fun
Because yesterday is already gone
Happy birthday to me
Living wild and free!

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Summer IX

When the sun is shining, I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.

Wilma Rudolph
Photo : Filipa Moreira da Cruz

All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer… one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends, and delightful doing, come as near perfection as anything can come in this world.

L.M. Montgomery

I’m back!

Olá a todos! Acabei por ficar mais tempo em Portugal do que o previsto. Foram 5 semanas de sol, braçadas na piscina, banhos frescos no oceano, caminhadas à beira mar, fins de tarde na praia, risadas, jogos de cartas, conversas pela noite fora… Reencontros com os amigos e a família. As férias também foram salpicadas por lágrimas e saudades. Este foi o primeiro Verão sem a minha mãe, mas ela esteve presente em todo o momento. Não poderia ser de outra forma!
Obrigada por estarem aqui e por terem seguido o que publiquei. Estou pronta para pôr a leitura em dia. Tive saudades vossas!

Photo: Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Hi everyone! I’m back after a long break! I really needed it! Paris, Bordeaux, Nice, Italy, and Portugal. Family and friends gatherings, sunny days, tanned skin, sea, sun, and lots of fun.
Thank you for being here! I missed you! I need time to catch up, but I’m ready!

Photo: Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Salut tout le monde! Je suis de retour après des mois d’absence. J’en avais besoin! J’ai profité du soleil, des bains de mer, des promenades, des livres et, surtout, de la compagnie des amis et de la famille.
Vous m’avez manqué! Je vais me remettre doucement à la lecture de vos articles. J’ai hâte!

Photo: Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Hola a todos! Estoy de vuelta! Este largo paréntesis me ha hecho muy bien. Lo necesitaba! He podido disfrutar de la família y de los amigos. Me he bañado en el océano, he caminado en la arena mojada, me he reído y llorado también.
Os echaba de menos! Gracias por estar aqui.

Photo: Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Ciao a tutti! Sono tornata dopo una lunga e necessaria assenza!
Ho recuperato la mia energia e sono pronta per tutto ciò che verrà dopo.
Mi sei mancato!
Grazie per essere qui.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Obrigada! Grazie! Thank you! Merci! Gracias!

Precisava de tempo para curar as feridas. Tempo para ouvir o silêncio. Tempo para cuidar da minha saúde. Tempo para estar com os amigos que vivem longe.
Obrigada por continuarem aqui. Obrigada por respeitarem a minha ausência.
No dia 4 de Julho irei com os meus filhos para Portugal. Estarei reunida com os meus irmãos (cada um vive num país diferente). Boas férias (se também for o vosso caso) e até breve!

Grazie per esserci qui! Grazie all’Italia per la sua ospitalità, i suoi paesaggi, i suoi sapori. È stato così bello tornare dopo tanto tempo! E tra pochi giorni andrò in Portogallo. Tornerò presto! Baci e abbracci a tutti.

I needed time to heal. Time to be with my friends. Time to take care of myself. I won’t think about doctors and medical exams until september, so I’ll enjoy Summer as much as I can. In a couple of days I’ll be going to Portugal to join my family.
Thank you for your support! Thank you for being here!
I’ll be back soon, I promise. Meanwhile, I send you love and good vibes.

J’ai eu le temps de rire et de pleurer. De voyager, de faire des rencontres, de profiter des amis qui sont comme ma famille. Et, maintenant le Portugal ma’ttend. Septembre va être bien chargée, mais je n’y pense pas (pour l’instant!).
Merci d’être toujours là! carpe diem. A très bientôt! Je vous embrasse.

Estoy muy agradecida por el tiempo que tuve para mí. He podido disfrutar de los amigos y empezado a sanar las heridas.
Gracias por seguir aquí. Ahora me toca irme con la familia a Portugal. Volveré pronto! Besos y abrazos.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Photos : Selfies

Grazie Paul Laurent…encore et encore !

Le rôle d’un ami, c’est de se trouver à votre côté quand vous êtes dans l’erreur puisque tout le monde sera à côté de vous quand vous aurez raison.

Mark Twain

A la fin, nous nous souviendrons non pas des mots de nos ennemis, mais des silences de nos amis.

Martin Luther King

Ce mot troublé n’est jamais envahissant
Ton silence n’est pas éxasperant
O teu sorriso ilumina o dia mais cinzento
E mostra o que melhor levo dentro
Tu cariño me llena de confianza
Y transforma mi miedo en esperanza
You picture the world
And take it as a whole
Sei più di un amico o di un fratello
Sei unico e bello.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Photos : Paul Laurent Bressin

Let’s go!


What if we only have two minutes left?
What if the stars fall from the sky?
What if our friends are no longer here?
What if the sea drowns all the fishes?
What if there is no future anymore?
What if Earth swallows us all?
What if our family leaves us behind?
What if the sun doesn’t rise?
We must not waste time
Let’s go!

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Photos : Filipa Moreira da Cruz

Happy birthday… to me!

45 years of ups and downs
The Earth keeps turning around
Friends and family are my rock
And they know what I’m made of
I’m grateful for all I have
Moving forward step by step
Joyful days, blissful nights
I keep chasing my own lights
Every detail is a poem
In a perfect tandem
Sometimes things don’t work out
That’s what life is all about
Meanwhile, l shall have fun
Because yesterday is already gone
Happy birthday to me
Living wild and free!

Filipa Moreira da Cruz



Photo : Filipa Moreira da Cruz

1 Broken heart
2 Almas enamoradas
3 Mousquetaires
4 Cantos do mundo
5 Bambini felici
6 Secrets to reveal
7 Olas del mar
8 Gâteaux sur la table
9 Pássaros a levantar voo
10 Dita sulle mani
11 Friends of a lifetime
12 Mariquitas en el jardín
13 Marches à gravir
14 Velas no bolo
15 Farfalle multicolori
16 Dreams inside my head
17 Preguntas sin respuesta
18 Chansons d’amour
19 Promessas por cumprir
20 Città da visitare
21 Ice cream flavours
22 Cartas por enviar
23 Encore et encore.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz



Photo : Filipa Moreira da Cruz

I have traveled all over the world
Always free as a bird
No house, no family, no friends
What for?
I don’t need them anymore
So I thought…
I just listened to my ego
How selfish I was!
I have been everywhere
But I don’t have a place to call home
I have lost my faith and my balance
I feel foreign in my own country
I don’t belong to anyone
Not even to myself
My wings are heavy
My soul is empty
My eyes are dull
My body is sore
Without you
I’m unrooted.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz

I’m back…for good!

It’s so damn good to be back! After more than three weeks of intensive emotions. Believe me when I say that my life is a roller coaster. Oh yeah!
A phone stolen, a whole morning at the police station, memories vanished, pictures lost forever, my accounts hacked, major health issues and finally… holidays!
I am sorry for not being present but I needed a break. Trust me!
I hope you liked the street art posts (I cannot live without art), as well as, the ones to celebrate my favourite season : Summer.
Thank you for being here!
I’ll catch up… smoothly but steadily.
I missed you all.

Filipa Moreira da Cruz